Monday, April 6, 2009

Junk Mail

As I've gotten older, I have come to recognize an additional responsibility of adulthood: what on earth to do with the ever-growing pile of junk mail. Though I work hard at keeping the various card applications, banking ephemera, and shopping catalogs under wraps—it is more often than not a losing battle. I've since taken to coming up with some way to make use of these things, besides putting it out to recycle with the trash Mondays. Being inspired by various collectors of those junk mail envelope liners (see Joseph King's awesome flickr page), I've started keeping a small swatch for each that arrives. I've also taken to tearing pages from clothing catalogs with nice color palettes. This isn't to say that I necessarily NEED more scraps of paper. I just feel guilty bringing the mail in, to simply be taken straight back out

Generally each item is pretty unattractive to look at, so imagine my surprise when a typically dull USAA catalog arrived and this time with a cover designed by Daniel Pelavin. See more of his work here.

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