Wednesday, December 3, 2008

American History Museum

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, we took a drive down to Washington DC. The main mission was to finally see the American History Museum—which after having been closed due to renovations for 2 years, finally reopened. I'm being a bit ambitious, but I hope to have a full review posted here soon (we weren't too pleased), as well as photos from our visits to the National Air and Space Museum (Steven F. Udvar Hazy center hangar and from the National Mall space), Arlington Cemetery, and the U.S. Botanic Garden. HOPE. Please be patient—I alone have about 700 photos to go through!

For now, here's some photos John took.

Top to bottom: from the American History Museum, from the Air and Space center, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery, and from the U.S. Botanic garden

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