Saturday, November 22, 2008

Because nothing says "Bicycle" like twenty degree temperatures....

I don't quite how to break it to you so I'm just going to come out and say it- we have a bicycle problem. Some would classify us as "bike nuts" for lack of a better phrase. Between my co-conspirator and I here at product superior we are the somewhat ashamed owners of approximately six pieces of pedal powered metallic fury.

"Whoa! Ha ha. Maybe you should get another bike losers!" Don't suggest it even in jest because we will. Seriously. And then we'll come to your house and ride wheelies all over your lawn, sucka.

Being the doting parent of a happy house of bikes you would expect some investment into their well being, no? If you said "yes" then you are correct! Just today one of our bikes received just such an investment in the form of some flashy new handlebar grips. I dare say- the cat's meow of handlebar grips. The bad news is I'm out seven fifty. The good news is you get some pictures.

**Note: These grips are a signature grip for Odyssey pro BMX rider Aaron Ross. The flange of the grip (the second pic) has a record of the text messages between Odyssey and Aaron regarding the creation of the grip. Very cool.

1 comment:

Product Superior Jenn said...

Hey! I do believe those are MY grips...