Saturday, May 30, 2009

NSS coverage on Oh So Beautiful Paper

Nole over at Oh So Beautiful Paper was kind enough to include us in her extensive coverage of the 2009 National Stationery Show. Stop on by and make sure to peruse her tremendous blog- it's a veritable encyclopedia of paper goods so vast that it's almost overwhelming. Some really beautiful objects from a lovely lady who has a tremendous passion for paper. Thanks Nole!

Product Superior business cards on FPO blog

We've been lucky enough to have our fancy new die cut business card featured on Under Consideration's new blog FPO: For Print Only. For those unfamiliar with the blog, FPO is dedicated to interesting and solid graphic design with a focus only on objects destined for print. We here at Product Superior definitely believe that print is still very much alive and doing just fine. We'd like to extend or thanks to Bryony and Armin at Under Consideration/ FPO for including us and doubly so for their inspirational blogs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lego Architecture

Holy moly! Why hasn't Lego already done this??? See more on Gizmodo!

Image courtesy Gizmodo

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"New to Me" on BirdDog Press

We were recently graced with a brief mention and picture of our tradeshow weary mugs on the BirdDog Press blog. When you stop by make sure to check out the storefront and homepage. Some great work and eco-friendly to boot! Product Superior would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Allison at BirdDog press for the kind words.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Products!

We here at Product Superior are the not the kind of folks that let Summer come roaring in while we sit back and sip beverages with fruit slices and tiny umbrellas. We are the kind of folks that welcome the dog days with fresh, red hot new products. Some are available now, some will be available very shortly. We're very excited and hope you will be too!

New! All Around Town NYC: Rooftops & Watertowers
8x10" Letterpress Print, available now

Coming Soon! Let's Party & BBQ Letterpress folded card

Coming Soon! Let's Celebrate & BBQ Letterpress folded card

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Product Superior Ltd on Felt & Wire

Jennifer and I are just back from all the glamor, glitter, glue, and ink of the 2009 National Stationery Show. As we recover from $150,000 Jacob K. Javits center coffees, long hours nearly asleep on our feet, and daredevil indoor pigeons which swoop dangerously close to your head we hope you'll enjoy some wonderful words on a few exciting upcoming products courtesy of the amazing Felt & Wire blog at Mohawk Paper.

To Mohawk Paper, Felt & Wire and Alyson Kuhn Product Superior is happy to say: Thanks Mofo!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Paper People" by Sycamore Street Press

Just after my delight of finding the Sycamore Street Press blog with helpful posts, I was contacted by Eva Jorgensen to participate in a series of Q&A's she is running on her blog titled "Paper People." Check out our Q&A here as well as many others!

I've seen a little of their work before and loved their alphabet poster print (below).

Thanks a bunch for inviting us, Eva! We can't wait to meet and see the new things in store for Sycamore Street Press.

National Stationery Show and press kits

For the last few weeks, we've been working hard to prepare for our debut at the National Stationery Show at the Javitz Center in New York City, May 17-20, booth #2067. A part of this is finally getting together press kits and other paper collateral outside of our products. I was googling around as usual trying to find how others handle press kits and stumbled on the Sycamore Street Press blog (they are also debuting at the show this year, booth #1553), which I found has been a small dilemma for them as well. The post was super helpful and also comforting to know that we aren't alone!